Ванная комната

Ванная комната

Electrical services should be handled by a professional. Our crew can be your electrical specialist that can do the job safely and reliably. Our technicians have over 10 years of experience, and they arrive ready to work

Ремонт ванной

Every home owner has a list of handyman, home repair, or home improvement projects he or she needs done both interior and exterior. Sometimes that list can get quite long, too! The bathrooms that needs updating.

Every home owner has a list of handyman,

  • Aging in Place Remodel
  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior
  • Aging in Place Remodel
  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior

Плиточные работы

2199 ₽

  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior
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Потолочные работы

1599 ₽

  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior
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1199 ₽

  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior
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1699 ₽

  • Home improvement projects
  • Done both interior and exterior
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